Friday, May 29, 2009


I don't own a bikini

nor have i ever tried one one that is

but I want to.

don't get me wrong,

it would be interesting to have one,

not that i would ever wear it

maybe in my room with the lights off and the door locked

i think every girl should own one

for fun.

it's like owning a 100 carat diamond ring

you're not going to wear it everywere

but every now and then you'd put it on

it makes you feel good and pretty

then you put it back in the box

lock the vault

and bask in the memory of it shining on your finger

a bikini can do that on a lower scale.

i want a bikini as motivation too

to boost my self-esteem when i'm feeling ugly and fat.

which is pretty much how i feel lately,


i gotta buy me a bikini.

p.s. sorry for the visual :p

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My dream

My heart skipped a beat, I saw his eyes, the love and happiness there mirrored my own, I wanted to run into his arms and stay there forever, the aisle was too long, the distance seemed to be endless, an orchestra was playing, but I didnt hear a thing... just the heartbeats that sang his name ~ My hormones are taking over, making me depressed... God i'm pathetic...

did i ever mention that love songs make me cry?
or that i secretly envy every lovey dovey couple i see in real life or on tv or anywhere!

i hate the green monster!

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