Freedom's doors are closing, the light is getting fainter
I am angry but I can't do anything except cry and whimper
Running towards the doors; I am trying to go through
But the space that was wide and welcoming
Is now hard to keep open
I can't pass, my heart is broken
I know that I shouldn't cry or scream in frustration
That won't lead to anything except devastation
I am angry I am annoyed
Why must he do this?
Didn't he see we were over-joyed?
Or maybe that is why he decided to rip
My dreams into shreds
My freedom to bits
Why is he coming back?
I don't want to see him or sit
In front f him and pretend I'm ok
When in reality I want to scream profanities and run away
He used to give me financial security
But now it's just financial
Security went out the window years ago
I am going to work my hardest
And not waste a moment
Until I have my own money and rely on myself
I don't want him anymore
These are the last tears I shed because of him
My life will be bright no matter how much he tries to make it dim
I will not overflow
I will resist the anger that is on the brim
I won't be grim
I will grin
And kill him with my indifference
Rip his heart out with my joy
And then when I'm free
From life with him
I'll laugh with all my heart
And then my real life will start
Personal News
5 years ago
taking it all out on the keyboard huh? yeah, i guess thats better than old fashioned paper and pensil..cuz you break the lead so many times!!
how's ur keyboard? :P u did a god job in resisting the anger,if i were u i would've been breaking some dishes.....urs truly.. nounou;)
love you nounou
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