back on jeddah's soil, sent a wave of peace that washed over me.
There's something about the best city in the world.
it's comforting, calm (in a crazy way since there's nothing calm about jeddah or itz ppl! ), so many other beautiful adjectives, and most importantly HOME!
it's the place where i would - after touring the world- settle in.
i love Jeddah ( oh speaking of which, last night at the airport, i saw this AWESOME t-shirt, it was yellow and had (I Jeddah) in arabic, and i WANT IT!, could've asked the guy that was wearing it, but guessed that someone i know would know where i could get one!.
Australia was AWESOME, 21 days there and i am truly happy.
besides the fact that is 16.50 hours away, we had to change the plane 3 times, it was TOTALLY worth it!
the weather there was AMAZING too, a bit too cold for my liking but great never the less, at night it dropped to 17 or 15 though add the wind chil factor and the fact that i live in jeddah i was freezing my fingers off!
a week into the trip i still was freezing! i wore 6 shirts, a dress and a jacket on top of each other when we went to sydney cuz it is in the south which is even colder from surfers paradise,Gold coast where we stayed the first 9 days.
the only thing i regret not doing is bungy jumping.
i really wish i had.al7amdulila.i had a GREAT time
What was interesting is that even though it was really cold for me, it didn't stop the guys of the great Oz from surfing shirtless and walking around barefoot. :wink:
i felt retarded for wearing all the layers of the world, but i really was cold, comfort comes first in my book.
i talked in arabic so much this trip, which was weird for me, but still interesting, cuz simply , i didn't want the rest of the world listening on to my convos wth my sibilings and parents, plus it was funny trying to guess what the people around us thougt we were saying and how we'd sound to their ears.
plus i love the sound of my voice!
hehe, seriously, i talked myself out this trip, i loved it!
plus, on the plane from Dubai to here the cabin crew were spanish and i got to practise my favorite language :D
.... sigh, i'm tired,i'll finish this later
Personal News
5 years ago
hey,i also live in jeddah and i saw ur page and saw the books the u have 'passion' for lol.and ive read twilight,by stephanie meyer,and i was wondering where in jeddah can i buy the new moon by ive searched EVERYWHERE and i cnt find.plz tel me u cn help lol.jus reply to my comment,thanks.
an oh my name is aisha
i bought my books from amazon or abroad or asked my dad to get whatever ones i wanted from his buisness trips... but don'tworry, Jarir does get some good books!
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