Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I have a dillema I hope you - the wonderful people who read my blog- could help me with.

I have a dillema I hope you - the wonderful people who read my blog-
could help me with.
I'm getting and eid gift from my best friend, and i've been given the
choice between a blackberry or an iPhone and I chose blackberry, then
we were talking and he mentioned cameras and I said I was wishing for
a professional one and he -may ALLAH bless him ma sha ALLAH- said 3ala
keyfik. Al3eed Hada utlob we atmanna so what should I do?
Blackberry or camera?
Put in mind that I'm not allowed to carry a camera phone in the
wonderful-being sarcastic- university of mine, so I'd be leaving BB at
Please respond!!
Love u all

Miss rough diamond.

1 comment:

Souma said...

you well know i'd go for camera ;) well, whichever you feel like, i support you!


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