Got some rain
Got some sun
And I've smiled to everyone
I'm on top of the world
I feel as pretty as diamonds and pearls
Love is here
Love is now
I'm too happy I can't frown
But I'm missing you.
Lulu, I really miss u.
Allah is fair.
So we'll survive life
And thrive
I swear.
Personal News
5 years ago
(pause) (deep breath) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa! I L O V E it! Awsome surprise. Better than anything that mony can buy! Walla I feel so special a valued. I forget that sometimes.. So thanx MWAH
love always, Ur Lulu
Babe I think it's wrong to say that "life isn't fair. Cuz when u say that ur saying that Allah isn't fair. I get what ur trying to say but put it this way. "people aren't fair" don't u think?
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