I think I've talked about basically everything, well not everything everything... but the stuff that runs through my head.
now I'm getting deeper.
Today my topic is "Marriage"
Marriage is a partnership, not a hierarchy , so there are no ranks, there are equals, albeit different, but equals!
So just like men say : I'm the man of the house, I say I'm the woman of the house.
Just because I'm a girl doesn't make me weaker, meeker or less important.
I have the equal right to decide the fate of the family of the household like any man.
ma 3indi kalam "ana si alsayid!!"
If you're a Saudi male you'd laugh at me, if you're a Saudi female you'd sigh and say i wish :p
Because well, we're not oppressed as much as pissed at the way the guys of our world treat us.
It's not the system, it's the community, the upbringing.
Al7amdulila the world is changing and the women's voice is growing stronger, no longer are we afraid of males and their cruelty, rudeness and bad-ass behaviour.
Allah created us as leaders to make leaders, so no one has the right to tell us what to do!
Nice deduction huh?!
Yeah ! I'm planning on giving lectures!
Suck it boys!
Never settle for crumbs ladies...
Don't marry anybody
Marry a somebody
Someone that will make a difference in this world!
Someone that will be your shoulder when the weight of the world is on you.
Don't settle for crumbs
They never filled any one's belly
Nor have they given any satisfaction, well except for birds :D
We ain't birds!!
We're people that have needs, wants and ambitions
Crumbs won't sustain us!
A nice word might make a difference but a life of being alone with the world on our shoulders won't be affected with a rose or a box of chocolates, though the efforts are appreciated.
As leaders and as females we need appreciation, we need to feel that our efforts count for something, even though it is our duty in life.
It's a privilege to be connected to us ;)
It's an honor to be our partners
We are as strong as they come
We won't ever give up
And to our last breath we'll stand strong with those who need support
No word from any one will break us
We're warriors, with experience and strength carved into are systems
We aren't to be taken lightly
So next time a man disrespects a woman, he'll have hell to pay.
No more quietness or fear from us.
Expect the worse.
Expect the best
We're here to stay and you're here to pay!
Peace out ladies
Peace be with you Gentlemen.
Personal News
5 years ago
dont settle for crumbs! cant have said that any better myself masha'allah 3alaiki!
thank you souma
bel3arabi,, don't setlle for fatafeet :D hehe i love to translate..also don't settle for a man who needs repairing (it's more than enuf we have whombs, and give births)so we don't need to adopt a "born yesterday", massive wall, with just the tiniest bit of sanity too! PS/ u go girl ;P (i just tried doing this face, but it ddnt work!)
ياجماعة الخييير..
صلوا ع النبي..
اللي انا شايفه في المجتمع حقنا..
صحيح ان الاناث محرومين من اشياء..
لكن في المقابل محصلين اشياء واشياء.. مايحلموا فيها..
وكل ما البنات بيفتحوا باب الحرب..
كل ماهما بيخسروا اكثير..
صحيح بيعتمدوا على نفسهم وبياخذوا مسؤولية اكثر..
لكن بيخسروا اكثر..
انا اوافقك الرأي انهم شركاء..
تماماً.. لكن كل شريك له دور مختلف.. تؤدي انه له منصب وعوائد مختلفة..
صعب ان الشركاء يتفقوا باسلوب التحدي
وماحسيت الموضوع هذاعن الزواج..
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