I don't not like resposibility, i'm just afraid of it.
i don't like letting people down, so i don't offer my services when they're needed or wanted.
i don't like being told what to do, so i refrain from being in situations where that is required to get the job done, i'm a great boss, but a somewhat lousy employee if i get pressured and have no space to be creative and roam free.
i like working at my mom's school, because she tells me her expectations then she gives me room to breathe and do my job, she doesn't breathe down my back or berate me about my work.
and now, i'm working at the summer club there i love it even more, there is more room for creativity and innovation, plus, the kids are AWESOME mashAllah.
today, i'm going to be teaching the little kids about diversity and how we all are special!
Wish me luck!
peace out!
Personal News
5 years ago
expectations is what I fear the most. i doupt my self WAY too often, and the worst part is that i believe that in some twisted way it IS true.. i don't like expectations because i'm afraid i will not be able to live up to it...to OTHER peoples expectations. i sometimes feel like i'm living in a small cardboard box.
does that sound familiar or is it just me??
VERY familiar!
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