Finally got all the apartments needed in aussie booked!
we are officially going, well i knew that a week ago when i had the glorious tickets in my hands :p
oh well, i have covered: tickets, domestic and int'l , accomodation and a list of places to go.
40 days left!!!!
can't wait!
oh my God! it's going to be 20.5 degrees there!
talk about freezing! ((to us jeddah ppl!))
i wana go bungee jump (i think i said that before!) sky diving, snowboarding, shark diving, skiing, snorkeling, extreeme theme park attraction riding! ((heard of WB's theme park? it is off the hook!))
what worries me is how to top this vacation next year!!
inshAllah i'll live :p to see it ((Joking ppl joking!))
but seriously this is my ultimate-adrenaline-crazy vacation i've been dreaming off for YEARS!!
and now ((thanks to Allah)) i'm getting it, but what about next year...hhmmmm, should start planning min da7een right?
sigh, i feel like if it wasn't for me wanting to travel always, we'd end up im Jeddah's scorching summer... and i know that's a bummer, no offense Jeddah, it's just that we end up staying at home or restricted to certain hours of freedom when the warden is gone. but Yay, he's coming back thins week, so i'll only have a few weeks of inmprisonment then Surfer's Paradise HERE I COME!!
o i dunno what clothes to pack!!!!
something stylish, to show the world the we muhajaba's aren't opressed or depressed! but dnt let them read my first posts!! hehe.
if it's as cold as Cape town 2 years ago when we went... i know what to wear :D
Signing off, to go to work... Honestly I'm Enjoying it Al7amdulila!
the girls i teach are AWESOME!
Personal News
5 years ago
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