Sunday, April 12, 2009

I hate this shit

god god! if i marry someone like this guy i will truly die... the following rambling are about someone whom i will not declare who, btu i need to let this out.
i cannot for the life of me understand why he does this!
i am the only person after her that always always respects him!
and i am not allowed to take a break, to just not have to kiss ass and be super dooper nice and cute!
i hate this shit!
so what if i didnt go wild when he came home today and rush and greet him?
so what if i was tired and angsty
if you cant be comfortable around your own flesh and blood what hope do you have in surviving in the world!
i hate this shit!
it is so tiring being the good girl all the time. aunt's mother in law just died and this blog seems so ridiculous!
the woman was soo amazing!
i loved her so much!
but no tears are coming... shit i really am a heartless biyatch!
this is soooooooooo upsetting.
i am the most idiotic person in the world!
Allah help me.

i hate this shit.


Souma said...


Anonymous said...

U sweet sweetheart it's like I wrote this blog. WALLAH!
i say this for the both of us. despite it all, we're great daughters and more than anything i want US to see that; so what if others do or don't? how's that gonna transform our lives??

Unknown said...

lol! ur shooOOoo CUTE when u write like that! =D

hehe xP


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