Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day of 3arafah 1429 H

Day of 3arafah,
It feels weird I think I'm supposed to get up and do something but I
can't I'm feeling lazy today! Waking up was an accomplishment, cuz if
i wasn't in desperate need for the "little girl's room" i would've
continued my deep sleep.

Today is forgiveness day, and tomorrow is eid aladha.
Apparently this Eid is the big one, but why is it that people here
don't celebrate it like Eid alfitr? Pisses me off!

I can't beleive school is back on next week! That totally sucks! I
have two midterms that I honestly don't feel like studying at the

Ooooooh sleep attack,
Peace out.

Sent from my iPod


Anonymous said...

aww...I'm sorry to have burst your bubble by telling you about school next week.I should have let you revel
in your ignorance.Maybe you'll feel better knowing that I have four midterms.And i completely agree with people not making enough fuss about Eid Aladha.Oh well,have fun in the world of dreams.

Souma said...

i've been sleeping like a log today, didnt even notice my little sister making any noise in the room at all. youm arafa gives u that feeling... it gets to u, and then u feel helpless.
and yeah, school sux. and donno why we dont celebrate the 3eed as we should!



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